Who Art You? 21

I love that there are so many artisits that use their emotion to tap into the power and artistry of abstract. Please meet this next artist Clara!

Clara Berta

Who ART You?

How did you grow up?
I grew up in Translyvania, which is in Romania, however I speak fluent Hungarian, as my parents do.  I came to the US in Chicago at the age of 11 and had to learn English, which I did quickly.  I came to Los Angeles in 1987 and loved it immediately. 

I became an artist because……
I realized how healing art was in my life during many stressful times, and especially after the loss of my husband, while I was grieving.  My creative work helped me to heal and find myself.

What brought you to art?
I discovered my love of painting while at Antioch University, although I was studying Psychology as my major. At first, art was simply a creative outlet which I set aside after I got married. However, after I lost my husband I returned to painting as a form of therapy. The experience was so healing and rewarding that I dedicated myself to art full-time and decided also to teach art, to help others re-live their stress and discover their own creativity. That brought me much joy and happiness, and I am very grateful.

Describe your favorite art piece that you had trouble letting go.
Monet’s water lilies have always been my favorite and has stayed with me for many years.  I was inspired to become an artist after going to his home and seeing the gardens. I totally understand why he loved painting them over and over.

If you could come back and live as any artist, (alive or dead) who would it be & why?
This is a difficult question, I will have to think about this one further, since I am truly happy being myself.

Who, what influences your art?
I am influenced by nature quite a bit, especially the ocean. I recently created a collection called “Fifty Shades of Blue,” which was inspired by my many visits to the beach in Santa Monica.

What has art taught you?
My practice has actually taught me many things, including patience, persistence, tenacity and also about using my personal strengths to advance my work and become more successful in business. I have a very outgoing personality, and I love interacting with people, so creating videos about my work and process has been both fun and rewarding.

Favorite/best resources as an artist?
I love the people who make my canvases.  A resource called Duho Studios creates exceptional work, and are amazing people as well, running a successful family business. I truly love the quality of work they produce.

What becomes a magical instrument in your hands?
In my current Minimalism series I actually do not use nearly as many instruments as I have in the past. This series is created without brushes, palette knives or other tools. It is strictly paint in various consistencies on the canvas. So I guess my magic tool is my own energy, because that is what creates the movement and flow in my recent work.

What medium do you use? Why?
I use acrylic paint because I love the process of creating quickly and seeing what develops without waiting a long time for it to dry. Acrylic also allows me the freedom to play with transparencies and levels of color, which has been key in my current series.

What is your favorite subject matter?
As an abstract artist I paint feelings and emotions rather than particular     subjects. I love to paint the spirit of the ocean and nature… My work is very organic, so I suppose the Mother Nature is my favorite subject!  

What are you still hoping to learn?
As I continue to evolve as an artist I also hope to grow as a successful businesswoman, reaching new clients and collectors. I wish to learn how to become an inspiring entrepreneur and share my teaching with others, and take that to the next level by mentoring a few artists.

When I think of art, I ………….
I am uplifted by the joy it brings me, creating something beautiful that I hope will also make others feel happiness. When I am creating art I am elated, in my element, a kind of happy zone!

How do life, business, creativity and art intersect?
In my life it is all one, since I am a full-time artist. My professional business, my daily life, and who I am as a person is all a singular element to me.  Art carries into my home, my lifestyle and is always surrounding me- not only my own, but I also love to collect and support artists. It is exhilarating to have the beauty of art at the core of my life.

A defining moment in my life was when…
Someone suggested early on to me that I treat my art as a business, not a hobby.  That was the the best advice I ever got – that being an artist I must live it 24/ 7 – and  always be networking.

Do you have a ritual or practice any creative activities before you make art? If so, what is it?
Sometimes I sit quietly and listen to my intuition and see what comes to me, I also look at colors and select three and go from there.

Is there a quote that inspires you or that you try to live your life by?
I have always loved this quote by -Maya Angelou - “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. “

Is there anything new you are planning to introduce in the future?
As my work continues to evolve my goal is to have larger exhibits and work towards a solo show this year.  I also wish to show my work internationally.

Name:   Clara Berta
Website:  https://BertaArt.com

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