Who ART You? 30

Meet artist Fanta Watson. She is a friend from Boulder that has always inspired me with her art and her willingness to push the boundaries and think outside the box. We were in a painting class, (maybe my first) and as I painted away in a neutral color palette, she asked if she could add a pop of color and a bold outline to part of my form. I said, “Eeeek, yes,” but defintiely with a bit of hesitation. In one swift movement she made her marks, teaching me the art of a pop, and took my painting from drab to something exciting. I always try to include a pop, no matter how small. Thanks Fanta!

Fanta Watson

Who ART You?

How did you grow up?
I grew up in Santa Fe New Mexico with my twin brother. My father was the curator at The Folk Art Museum . My mother died when we were two . We were Hippies.

I became an artist because……
Growing up everyone around me was an artist, potter, poete, musician, collector or craftsmen. I think art was ingrained in us.

What brought you to art? 
I have always worked with clay , but, I surrender to the need to let it all out with paint on canvas. I like to work large and colorful . 

Describe your favorite art piece that you had trouble letting go.
I know there are more, but one that comes to mind is a sugar bowl I made like a Fagberge egg. I still wish I had kept it !

If you could come back and live as any artist, (alive or dead) who would it be & why? 
I don’t want to be anyone else. I love how artist don’t have to suffer or be tortured anymore and…..There aint nobody like me!

Who, what influences your art?
Everything , everybody and a lot of nature!

What has art taught you? 
My art has given me a level of confidence that I never had when I was youger . Oh wait , maybe it’s menopause 

Favorite/best resources as an artist? 
Youtube and museums

What becomes a magical instrument in your hands?
My hands.

What medium do you use? Why?
I use clay because its life , earth and primal , and paint because it’s beautiful and fluid. 

What is your favorite subject matter? 
Water and form 

What are you still hoping to learn?
OMG … so much !

When I think of art, I …………. 
Get excited and need more time. 

A defining moment in my life was when……….. 
A friend asked me to put some painting in her store .. and they sold!

Best advice I ever got about art or being an artist was……..
Make art first , do chores later.

Do you have a ritual or practice any creative activities before you make art? If so, what is it? 
Music ., Plug in the tunes! 

Is there a quote that inspires you or that you try to live your life by?
You can’t win, if you don’t play!
Website: fantawatson.com

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