When the Odds are Against You

Gardenias were my late mother’s favorite flower and ironically, they are mine too. I’ve never been able to grow them because of the climate I was in or didn’t have an outdoor space. A year and half ago that changed (the climate and the outdoor space that is). I was able to landscape a small area and added a gardenia bush, even though I was told the soil and sun exposure (more challenges!) weren’t good. I was determined to make it work (translate, grow and bloom) and when it looked like all hope was gone, (my gardenia was dying) I added gardenia fertilizer, gave my plant a little talking to and crossed my fingers. (really, I’m superstitious and hopeful that way)

Well, after a year and a half, my little sweet gardenia bush popped out one little bloom, (the day before Mother’s Day so maybe I had some divine help) and then, it bloomed and bloomed some more!

This story could have had a different outcome. The gardenia bush could have died and even when I planted more, they could have died too because, well, because the challenges too great and conditions weren’t right for success and others more experienced than me told me it wouldn’t work, in which case I wouldn’t be writing this particular story. I could have never tried, forgetting my dream of growing my very own gardenias!

But…., the gardenia bush didn’t die and I think that is because I tried different things and I believed and I didn’t give up and I didn’t listen to the experts and ok, maybe a little bit of luck too. So the moral of the story is trust your gut, do what you want and try to make it work even when the odds are against you ( I mean, even if you dont follow horse racing, you must know about Rich Strike, the horse that won the Kentucky Derby 2022, even though he was at the bottom of the line up with all the odds against him, but he won anyway with 80 to 1 odds).

And, I’ve been listening to a podcast about Frida Kahlo and am reminded (and inspired) that she never let her injury stop her. I mean she painted lying in bed staring up at a mirror even though she was wildly uncomfortable and probably in pain.

I guess, the question is, what are you dreaming about, wanting to try, struggling with or scared of. Step outside your box and go for it. You might just find success, even if the odds are against you.

xo, jan

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